WhatsApp recently notified us about their latest update, and in this story, we have mentioned them in detail

Local File Sharing: Now you can share photos and documents with your nearby contacts without internet acce

Discoverable Nearby:  Now user can choose whether they want their WhatsApp to be visible to others for local file sharing

Privacy Controls: In a new update of WhatsApp they also take care of your privacy you can also control discoverability for file sharing

Contact Notes: In the latest update of WhatsApp you can also add personalized notes to any of your contacts for your reference.

Beta Testing: The update is currently not fully rolled out but it is in beta testing mode by various users.

Positive User Feedback Needed: If the beta testing will be successful then this could lead to a future update for the user.

There are some of the features that are under development by the WhatsApp team like highlighting recent contacts.